Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Water problems

For the past month there's been a small water leak in front of our house at the main water shutoff, also known as a Curb Stop. Each house has one and is usually located on the sidewalk just past the front lawn. I decided to report it to the city because I felt with the winter coming it would create a slipping hazzard.

A worker from the city came and unfortunately I did not see what he did but I suspect he turned off the water to my neighbours house to stem the leak. Later that evening, my next door neighbour came to me complaining they had no water. They called the city but this time someone came by and turned off my water and left theirs on. I had no appreciation how inconvenient it is without running water, especially with a toddler. In my opinion the city was not taking the matter seriously despite several calls to supervisors.

This morning , we filled a garden watering can in the bath hub with what water trickled out from the tap and used it to shower. It was bad timing too because both Marissa and I have had early morning meetings to get to.

So this afternoon I played hookey from work and came back to the house to see if any progress had been made (if the city bothered to answer their phone it could have saved me a trip). Someone had come to mark the gas main locations on my lawn so I guess some excavation is planned but when? And we are still without water.

In desparation, I asked another neighbour to allow me to link our houses togther with our outdoor garden taps, also known as a high-line. So at least we have water now to shower, wash clothes and dishes and cook.

At work we have things called ScotiaApplauses to recognize extrodinary work. I went through alot of crap (phone calls to the city, buying hose attachments, getting permission from the neighbour, hooking it up etc) in order to get back this basic necessity. I give myself WongApplause for my Committment and Innovation eventhough it goes unrecognized.

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