Monday, February 15, 2010

Red Light/Green Light = Family Day

Remember a game you used to play as a kid called Red Light / Green Light. You'd all walk across the gym floor towards a wall but when the teacher said, "Red Light" you stop. "Green Light" and you'd advance. Then "Red Light". You stop again. What power that teacher much have felt!

I was struck by a comment I heard today that made me realize that Ontario's Family Day is alot like that game. The comment was something like "I thought we were supposed to do something with the family". The Government tells you it's Family Day then all of a sudden we think it's mandatory to do something family oriented? As if we don't already do family stuff 365 days of the year we need bureaucrats to tell us so.

McGuinty, thanks for the holiday. I really do appreciate it. But everyone else start thinking for yourselves, your family will love you for it.

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