Monday, July 20, 2009

Apollo 11 40th Anniversary

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the first manned walk on the Moon. It is a tremendous achievement and testament to the ingenuity and dedication of Americans.

But how come 1 in 4 people don't believe this ever happened? 

Much has been written over the years about inconsistencies that point to an elaborate hoax. You can easily find lots of articles on the internet. I'm 99.9% sure it did happen, but here are some of my Mythbuster questions:

1. How could a project of that size involving close to 400,000 people ever have been coordinated in less that 10 years. This case study should be taught in business schools around the world.
2. How is it possible that all subsequent Apollo missions successfully landed on the moon but in recent years NASA has lost a number of Space Shuttles that typically only travel a fraction of the distance of the Moon.
3. Could computer technology at that time really have been feasible to support the Apollo missions. By comparison, today clusters of supercomputers are needed.
4. Why would Neil Armstrong be publicly silent and a recluse for decades after the mission. I would have expected him to be a voice of inspiration to industry, schools, children etc.
5. The original Apollo 11 landing video recordings are lost or destroyed. What kind of operation is NASA running , where arguably the biggest technical achievement by humans is accidentally erased, and all there is to show for it are some fuzzy 16mm recordings off a black and white television monitor.

Back to my question about why 1 in 4 people don't believe what they are told. Look no further than the vague explanations given for the Mysterious collapse of WTC Building 7, and that if tax payers didn't bailout Wall Street there would be blood in the streets. BTW recently Goldman Sachs, Citibank and Bank of America all posted record quarters.

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