Despite still recovering from the flu, conjuntivitis and a hacking cough I'm starting the new year with optimism. I'm still working on my resolutions but here they are so far in no particular order:
1. Use up as much change as possible
2. Work smarter = less
3. End clutter
4. Be more creative
5. Get more sleep

The funniest thing is that there's no snow, anywhere. So everyone is huddled around a small mound beside the skating rink created by a Zamboni. I actually I saw new grass coming out of the ground.
I confirmed to myself today that sharing is learned behaviour. Aidan found a small soccer ball on the ground and started playing with it, another kid came by and tried to grab it from him. Not being sure if it was his, I asked "Aidan" to share and give him the ball. Reluctantly he did, but seconds after Aidan ran after him and tried to pull it away from behind. This same scene always replays itself at any Thomas the Train display, ask any parent.
A perfect New Years Day.
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