a. Doesn't take public transit
b. Doesn't give a hoot
c. Is out of his job element
Because what's been happening lately on the TTC is a disaster.
The TTC decides to suspend token sales as fare hikes are set for January 2010. This creates a run in token sales but worse off it creates huge lineups at the turnstiles. King Street station is a total nightmare at 5pm. Token vending machines are offline so unless you have a Metropass you are sh*t out of luck. And, ticket sales were suspended last year because of a counterfeiting problem. Hey, TTC why don't you do what the rest of the modern transit systems do and implement a rechargeable swipe card, but of course what would you do with all those high-paid stool sitting token collectors?
This morning for some reason the TTC decides to divert all people li down a narrow walkway (like cattle) to one end of the southbound platform so that they are forced to walk back to the opposite direction on the platform to get to where they normally stand. The people getting off the train and forced to walk against the people in the same narrow passage. Sheer stupidity, for whatever the reason!
Mass commuter chaos was unleashed last week when a contractor accidentally cut through a TTC tunnel. Tens of thousands spilled out onto Toronto streets waiting for shuttle buses. I was in the train tunnel and strangely few if any announcements were made before entering the station.
It's no wonder TTC revenues are down. Wake up Adam! And you pretty much blew any chance of being mayor in this town.