I had a suspicion that during the Great Toronto Garbage Strike of 2009 my neighbors had been busily composting their kitchen scraps. In a urban city like Toronto, there is no need to compost unless you live in area zoned for farming (there are none). Organics are picked up weekly and that goes to composting.
Most people have no idea how to do it properly and it just turns out to be a gross and disgusting mess (think flies and maggots). I have first hand experience because I'm surrounded by neighbors who think they are doing the right thing but my nose says otherwise.
Most Torontonians have small backyards, so generally composting bins are placed at the back behind a shed away from nicer outdoor living spaces. This is already a bad idea because it's human nature not to spend a lot of time back behind a muddy shed. To properly compost one has to only put the right stuff in, keep it moist, turn it frequently, and aerate it. I know for a fact that this isn't done, most people can't even maintain a lawn. The result is pretty much what rotten garbage smells like, yet they claim it smells "sweet".
Last week I got a whiff of some that made even my 4 year old son say "Ewwww!! What's that?!".
So do me a favor tree you hugging neighbors. Stop thinking that you're saving the planet by composting, especially if you don't have a garden. What are you going to do with this stuff anyways? It's attracts raccoons and rats and really reeks. Honestly, you'd never find a Chinese person composting, it just makes no sense.