Sunday, September 30, 2007

2007 Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon

Hooray, I completed my second Half Marthon. Here are my results:
Chip Time: 2:05:59:0
Gun Time: 2:11:51.7
Gender placement: 1741/2419
Category (Men 35-39): 322/408
Split @10 km: 1:03:55
Split @12.2 km 1:17:07

That race had the earliest start time I'd ever run in, it started at 7am. I left the house at 6am to get to Metro Hall and traffic was an an absolute nightmare due to the many road closures required for the race. There was also another event going on later in the morning there weren't too many viable detours.

The start was a bit surreal because it was still pitch dark out. But it quickly became a beautiful morning as the sun rose up over the eastern horizon. By the time the route headed back east along the lakeshore the sight and warmth of sun was the most beautiful thing I'd experienced in a long time.

It was absolutely unreal how fast the leaders were. By the time I reached Ontario place they had looped around Windemere driver were passing me in the opposite direction.

My ankles and knees started to complain at the 12k mark. I didn't have any hydration problems but listening to a converstation bewteen two runners about "hitting the wall" didn't help. Because I don't usually run these events I can't gauge where my body will give up, but at 18K I fugured I was good for the rest and could push a little harder.

As I headed into the last 2k up Bay street the leaders Rono and Kelai (Kenya) were quickly approaching from behind. The car horns, cow bells and cheers added to the excitement. I kept thinking to myself that these guys had already been out to the end of the Leslie Split and back and are now about to pass me. They passed me, but I sprinted the last 200m to the finish.

A truly exceptional event!